The International Bureau of Legal Metrology wishes to express its deepest appreciation for the important activity engaged in by AQSIQ for the promotion of metrology in the peoples Republic of China. 国际法制计量局高度赞赏中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局开展的旨在促进计量发展的活动。 World Metrology Day,on May 20th,is a key event for the metrology community worldwide,and is an occasion to demonstrate the importance of metrology to the public and to all decision-makers. Metrology allows for the facilitation of domestic as well as international trade, and provides confidence in the measurements that society needs. 在5月20日举行“世界计量日”庆祝活动是全世界计量界的重要事件,它表明了计量对公众和决策者的重要性。计量促进了国内和国际贸易,同时也增强了对社会需要的测量的信心。 The OIML was set up in 1955 to gather together metrology authorities throughout the world in order to address the issues related to measurements and measuring instruments, and to support the development of national metrology infrastructures in a coherent and harmonized way. By developing harmonized technical documents and by establishing systems of certification and mutual recognition agreement frameworks, together we contribute to building a Global Measurement System that Members can rely on and which will foster economic and social development worldwide. 国际法制计量组织(OIML)成立于1955年,它致力于在世界范围内联合各国计量机构解决有关测量和计量器具的问题,帮助发展国家计量基础体系的协调和一致。通过起草各国都认可的技术文件、制定OIML证书制度和多边互认协议框架,为建立各成员国都依赖的全球计量体系做出贡献,从而促进世界经济和社会的发展。 The Peoples Republic of China plays a crucial role in the OIML and provides essential support for the development of metrology, in the OIML as well as in the Regional Metrology fora. The Peoples Republic of China is responsible for essential technical work, has set up an Issuing Authority for OIML Certificates, and exports a number of measuring instruments to other countries. In this way, China leads the way in showing other countries and continents how to play a full role in international legal metrology activities. 中国在国际法制计量组织中扮演了重要的角色,为国际法制计量组织、国家和区域计量论坛的计量发展提供了重要支持。中国负责基础技术性工作,成立了OIML证书制度的颁证机构,并向其他国家出口了相当数量的计量器具。因此,中国为其他国家和地区如何在国际法制计量活动中发挥影响起到了示范作用。 The International Bureau of Legal Metrology congratulates AQSIQ for the actions that it is undertaking in raising the awareness of metrology at national level, addressing the government and society as a whole. These actions are of great importance, and benefit both the country and the international metrology community. 国际法制计量局祝贺中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局为提高国家计量意识,寻求政府和全社会支持而开展的活动。这些活动是非常重要的,并有利于国家和国际计量界。 马加纳 BIML Director 国际法制计量局局长