编者按:应《中国计量》杂志社之邀,国际法制计量委员会主席法贝尔先生、国际法制计量局局长马加纳先生为5.20世界计量日特刊撰文,向中国举办5.20世界计量日宣传活动祝贺。我们本期刊出并在此我们向关心和支持中国计量事业发展和《中国计量》杂志成长的奎恩先生、法贝尔先生、马加纳先生表示衷心感谢。Dear Colleagues,尊敬的同事们: I deeply regret that I am unable to participate in the events organized on Metrology in the People Republic of China. 我非常遗憾不能参加在中国举办的“世界计量日”活动。 Metrology is clearly a major resource for economic and social development, and World Metrology Day, celebrated on May 20th, is the occasion to demonstrate the importance of metrology,especially in the context of globalization. 众所周知,计量是推动经济和社会发展的主要因素,开展5月20日“世界计量日”庆祝活动显示了计量的重要性,尤其是在全球化方面。 Measurements are at the heart of many activities in everyday life such as trade, quality control in industry, agriculture,food safety, health care, environmental protection and safety. But these measurements must be reliable and this is why metrology is needed. Metrology provides uniform references to measurements so that all measurements are comparable, it provides quality in the measurements so that the required accuracy may be reached, and it provides transparency so that all interested parties may have confidence in the measurements. 在日常生活中,测量是如贸易、工业质量控制、农业、食品安全、医疗健康、环境保护及安全的中心。但这些测量必须是可靠的,这也是为什么需要计量的原因。计量提供了统一的测量标准,使得所有测量是可以溯源的;计量保证了测量的质量,使得测量可以达到要求的准确度;计量为测量提供的透明度使得利益各方对测量充满信心。 States need to set up and continuously develop infrastructures for metrology, including national laboratories to provide the best references, local calibration laboratories and accreditation in order to disseminate these references throughout the country, regulations on measurements and on measuring instruments when protection by regulations is needed by the prblic, training for measurement specialists, and information to the public. 各国需要建立并不断发展计量基础体系,包括:提供最佳计量标准的国家实验室、地方校准实验室和认可活动,以便这些计量标准能在全国进行量值传递;制定计量规程保护公众利益;培训计量专业人员和向公众发布信息等。 Such infrastructures are very much interconnected with other countries infrastructures, as most measurement activities have international aspects: trade in commoditities, exchanges between companies worldwide, subcontracting, conformity of exported products with other corntries regulations and standards, conformity of imported products with national requirements, international issues about environment protection, etc. 上述计量基础体系与其他国家计量基础体系是相互关联的,因为大多数测量活动与国际交流有关。如:商品贸易、跨国公司、合同分包、出口产口符合各国法规和标准、进口产品符合国家要求、环境保护的国际问题等。 The primary objective of Organizations such as the OIML is to help States to develop consistent and harmonized metrology systems in order to provide a sound basis for economic and social development and to facilitate international relations. 国际法制计量组织(OIML)的主要目标是帮助各国建立一致和协调的计量体系,为经济和社会发展提供坚实的基础,并促进国际关系。 We warmly commend AQSIQ for the contribution that they provide on behalf of the Peoples Republic of China to OIML activities and for their outstanding activity in furthering the development of their national metrology infrastructure, and for their awareness of metrology in China.The celebration of World Metrology Day in China is one of these very important and useful events. 我们赞赏中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局为此所做的贡献,它代表中国参加OIML各项活动,为推动中国计量基础体系的进一步发展做出了卓越的工作,提高了中国人民的计量意识。在中国举办的“世界计量日”庆祝活动是非常重要和有益的。
法贝尔 CIML President 国际法制计量委员会主席